Cubieboard and 2.00mm vs 2.54mm pins

Cubieboard and 2.00mm vs 2.54mm pins

Cubieboard has thickness 2.00mm 2×20-pin-header that is not so suitable for home hobbiest.
Arduino and other small boards uses 2.54mm pin (0.100inch)

To connect it I have bought 2.00mm to 2.54mm 40pcs Wire Cable 2P to 1P.

 2.00mm to 2.54mm (2P to 2x1P) wires
Till it comes I will use my 2,54mm cables, you can connect 2 of them (not more) side by side:


Of course, you can buy BreadBoard For Cubieboard which would solve the issue here.

It would be very useful to buy something like this Connector (2.00mm to 2.54mm / 2×20):


I found it in this shop but was not able to find it in eBay. If anybody has a better solution, please leave a comment.