Turn blue/green led off on cubieboard

Turn blue/green led off on cubieboard

If you have your cubieboard stable and do not like the led to blink, you can turn it off.

Basic explanation is in linux-sunxy site.

You can turn leds off by setting brightness to 0 for blue and also for green led (as root).

sudo su -root 
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/green:ph20:led1/brightness
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/blue:ph21:led2/brightness

Put that 2 lines into /etc/rc.local so it will stay also after reboot.

If you want to for example blink a blue led:

echo timer > /sys/class/leds/blue:ph21:led2/trigger

To get all available triggers type:

 cat /sys/class/leds/blue:ph21:led2/trigger


Creating a root script

Under root, you can create a script that will change the LED blinking so you can then only use sudo and do not have to run it as root.
Become  a root:
 sudo su - root
I created  a file change_led with permission chmod 750:
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ] ; then
    echo "$0: exactly 2 arguments expected"
    echo "Please use one of the following:"
    cat /sys/class/leds/blue:ph21:led2/trigger
    echo "for blue or green LED."
    echo "sample: change_led blue timer"
    exit 1;
if [ "$1" == "blue" ]; then
if [ "$1" == "green" ]; then
echo $2 > /sys/class/leds/$LED/trigger
Now I can just execute the script logged as a user with sudo rights and not directly a root:
sudo /root/change_led blue heartbeat


Change the Led status from GUI

There is a nice script In Cubieforum that enables you to change the LED status from the simple terminal GUI. The script is available in this post: LED trigger manipulator with GUI – script